Natural health solutions that take a root-cause approach to optimize wellness

Empowering you to re-claim your health naturally, and have you feeling like you again!


Is this you?

  • Cutting out all foods and still have constant bloating or indigestion?

  • Taking 10+ supplements and still feel drained of energy?

  • Seen countless doctors and have little to no answers?

  • Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

If you found yourself nodding along in agreement, yay! You're in the right spot and I couldn't be happier that you’re here.

personalized approach to restore wellness ----

personalized approach to restore wellness ----

naturalhealthclinicnearme abbotsfordnutritionist

Welcome here, I’m Emily! A certified nutritionist, holistic cancer practitioner, and registered bio energetic practitioner that is dedicated to helping you heal naturally

I support both adults and children on their journey to optimal health. Together, we can address the root cause of your symptoms and empower you to heal naturally from within.

Feel free to learn more about me below!

Let’s look to root cause solutions to begin to heal from the inside out

You can’t diet your way into health. There is no magic pill that will solve all your problems. Your body is out of balance and needs a whole- body approach to restore health.

You deserve to thrive

You deserve to not be in pain

Let’s simplify health and promote healing naturally

Your healing journey starts with your plate…


Download our FREE balanced meal guide below. An informative guide that assists you in creating your own balanced meals. Breakfast, snack, and dinner recipes that help balance blood sugar, restore energy, stop inflammation, and prevent disease.

client success stories

How Can A Nutritionist Help Me?

Tired of feeling confused, overwhelmed, and unheard by your healthcare providers? Within my practice, I am dedicated to uncovering the root cause of hormonal, digestive, and immunity imbalances, empowering you to take back your health and establish a sustainable foundation of well-being.

Ready to feel like you again?

My Process

energy healing vancouver

BIE (Bioenergetics)

BIE is a natural, noninvasive method that enables one’s body to recognize sensitivities or intolerance’s (aka stressors), assisting in recovery from associated allergy-like symptoms, without the use of needles or drugs.

BIE is energy healing that uses low density frequency to reprogram a cell’s response to it’s environment, therefore eliminating those stubborn allergy symptoms.

natural health clinic near me

Holistic Nutrition Counselling

Within my practice, I utilize food as medicine, and take a whole-body approach, addressing nutrition, lifestyle, and environmental factors that are preventing you from thriving.

Based on a comprehensive assessment of your health, we will create a personalized nutrition plan that is tailored for you in this season of life.

Along with nutrition recommendations, you will also be given lifestyle and supplement recommendations to compliment your healing journey.

*virtual sessions available for those that live out of province. Please connect here to learn more!


Abbotsford Nutritionist located in Beautiful BC 🏔️


Healing Oak- Health & Wellness Clinic

2632 Pauline Street, St #111, Abbotsford B.C. V2S 0C9

Clinic Hours
Tuesday 3:00pm- 8:30pm
Saturday 8:30am–2pm


*Click the link below to schedule a discovery call

Insurance Companies that cover our services

  • ClaimSecure

  • Equitable Life of Canada

  • GreenShield

  • iAFinancial Group

  • Manulife

  • RWAM

  • Sunlife

    *Individual extended health benefit plans may vary. Please reach out to your insurance provider to confirm coverage