The best and most efficient healing modality is within your own body.

abbotsford nutritionist

My Why for becoming a Nutritionist

My journey with health and wellness started at a young age when my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer. Through this illness, my passion for health and healing through nutrition developed and drove me into the space of alternative and integrative healthcare.

Personally, I have looked to nutrition and alternative health therapies for my own healing journey. As someone who has struggled with painful periods and stubborn acne from teenage years into adulthood, I can confidently say that focusing on proper nutrition has greatly improved my health and wellness. Additionally, I have struggled with various autoimmune conditions, such as vitiligo, and have experienced first hand how taking a whole-body approach to health care is the best way to optimal wellness.

Like most of you, I too have been disappointed by conventional healthcare in finding answers for me and my loved ones chronic symptoms. This became a driving force for what brought me into this space of natural health. I am blessed to say I have finally found answers, and now feel like myself again! My goal is to promote wellness from within and to help you achieve your optimal well being through natural health. I believe that conventional medicine is essential for our healthcare, but you cannot ignore the role nutrition and lifestyle play in the development of disease. If our goal is to live a long and healthy life, we must address the root cause of disease and utilize natural health practices in order to begin to heal from the inside out.

Throughout my journey as a holistic practitioner, I strive to identify the root cause of disease so my clients may begin to experience optimal wellness. This lead me on a journey to discover BIE (bioenergetics), an alternative health practice that uses frequency to reprogram the cell’s response to it’s environment and allow for the body to naturally heal itself. I was tired of suggesting 10+ supplements to every client or forcing them to spend hundreds of dollars on functional testing. My practice consisted of an elimination diet that would last months, if not a year, in order to start to address your allergies and leaky gut. I knew there had to be another way for the body to heal. BIE allows the body to heal naturally from the inside out, promoting optimal wellness and longevity that will last a life time. The combination of holistic nutrition and BIE has changed so many lives, and I am excited for you to begin to experience your new health today!

I’m here to tell you there are answers for your health.

Whether it’s hormonal imbalances, bloating, IBS, migraines, or other inflammatory conditions, there is an answer for you.

You don’t need to stay sick and in pain.

It’s time to re-claim your health and start to enjoy your life

My Beliefs About Health

abbotsford nutritionist
  • I am against diet culture. I definitely believe there is a time and place for a specific cleanse and we need to be mindful of taking out inflammatory foods that cause disease. Although, if the food is a whole food and grown properly- I am a believer that we are able to benefit from all of it’s glorious nutrients, whether it be from fruits, veggies, or an animal protein. Let’s stop cutting out quality, nutrient dense foods and start eating those grass-fed steaks with no shame.

  • I do not count calories. While counting calories can be beneficial if you are an athlete training for an event, I would not recommend it for the average person. For most people, we eat way too little and the idea of counting calories seems to add to our fatigue, anxiety, and hormonal imbalances. In my opinion, less is not more. So, put down the calculator and enjoy that plate of nutrient dense food.

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  • It’s all about balance. We are constantly finding balance in our lives, whether that be with work, family, or finances. The same rule applies with what we eat. I am not a believer in long-term restrictive diets. I believe that finding balance with our food and daily habits are the key to a healthy lifestyle and promotes an overall prosperous well-being.

  • Everything is connected. Within our body, every system and organ are deeply connected. That’s why it is so important to take a whole body approach to our health and address the root-cause of our symptoms in order to promote healing and allow for long-lasting results.

abbotsford nutritionist
  • Health is not meant to be complicated. The fundamentals of nutrition are vital for longevity and wellness. Fundamentals include eating enough quality protein and healthy fat, clean drinking water, moving your body daily, nutrient and mineral rich foods, having joy, decreasing stress, and achieving quality sleep. Let’s crush the fundamentals before making health much more complicated then it needs to be.

abbotsford nutritionist
  • The body can heal itself. The best and most efficient healing modality is within your own body. Our mission is to provide restoration and balance to one’s body by activating it’s own natural healing energies. Through the use of nutrition, supplementation, natural health modalities, and lifestyle changes, we are able to promote health and begin to thrive instead of only survive.

Are you ready to work with a health practitioner who looks at the whole picture? Like all of you?

It’s time to work with a practitioner who both understands where you're at and has the tools and knowledge to support you in your healing journey. Emily uses evidence based testing and additional healing tools to get to the root of your symptoms and imbalances. This allows us to not only work from your symptoms but gather the data and insights that may have been missed by other practitioners along the way.

abbotsford nutritionist

Education includes:

  • Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP)- Institute of Holistic Nutrition (2023)

  • Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner (ROHP)- International Organization of Nutritional Consultants (2023)

  • Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioner (CHCP)- Edison Institute of Nutrition (2024)

  • Registered Bioenergetic Practitioner (R.BIE)- Institute of Natural Health Technologies (2024)

Additional Certifications:

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis - Level 1 Practitioner (2023)

  • Digestive and Hormone Health Masterclass (2023)

  • Understanding Lab Diagnostics- Institute of Holistic Nutrition (2023)